Our services


The WoningPlan focuses on energy saving: using less gas and electricity. WoningPlan+ is aimed at saving energy as well as improving comfort.

View WoningPlan


Improving the energy label due to mortgage or rental? With the MaatwerkAdvies we determine the current energy label and show what is feasible if you improve the house. MaatwerkAdvies+ is aimed at improving the energy label as well as comfort. View MaatwerkAdvies

Energy label

Do you want to sell your house and your property does not yet have an energy label? As a seller, you must have an energy label available no later than the transfer of the property.

View Energy label

TrajectBegeleiding (Trajectory Guidance)

Do you need support in requesting and assessing offers after our WoningPlan or MaatwerkAdvies? With TrajectBegeleiding, we help you make the right choices. We advise on the possible suppliers, how to assess the offers and what the best choice is, independently and in your interest.View TrajectBegeleiding

Warmteverliesberekening (Heat loss calculation)

Wondering if your heat pump is strong enough to heat your home properly even on cold winter days? With our warmteverliesberekening (heat loss calculation), you will know exactly. View Warmteverliesberekening

WarmteScan (HeatScan)

With the WarmteScan (HeatScan), we indicate where the heat leaks in the house are and tailor-made tips for quick energy savings.

View WarmteScan


When renovating an existing or building a new home, Woondokter is the independent consultant. At the early planning stage or when assessing elaborate designs or quotes from architect, contractor or installer. View Consultancy