Woondokter is door de gemeente Utrecht geselecteerd als adviseur voor het verduurzamen van woningen. Dit betekent concreet dat u € 250,- aan subsidie krijgt van de gemeente als u tenminste één duurzame maatregel uit ons WoningPlan uitvoert.
Independent advice
The Municipality of Utrecht works with 4 independent energy advisers who provide advice on insulating your home, heating it and generating energy with, for example, solar panels. Independent means that, as advisers, we do not sell energy-saving measures. Our advice meets the requirements set by the municipality to obtain a subsidy.
Getting started well prepared
Woondokter looks at the characteristics of your home, your household and is happy to hear your living requirements. After our appointment at your home, you will receive an advisory report on the energy-saving measures and costs appropriate to your home, this is called the WoningPlan. This plan also includes a roadmap to implement measures in the best order. The extended version of the WoningPlan, is the WoningPlanPLUS. This is an extension of the WoningPlan to include the following topics:
- budget of one-off investments
- expected reduction in monthly energy costs
- subsidies available for the measures to be taken
- financing options
Of course, what you do is always up to you.
Read more?
If you want more information about the WoningPlan, click here.
Wil je meer informatie over het WoningPlanPLUS, klik dan here.
If you want more information about the grant from the municipality of Utrecht, click here.