Municipality of Woerden grants €270 subsidy on energy advice from Woondokter

Besides the municipality of Utrecht, Woondokter has now also been selected by the municipality of Woerden as a consultant to give home energy advice. From 14 July 2021, the municipality will make a subsidy of €270 available for our advice to make your home more sustainable. The subsidy is only valid for the WoningPlan+. The municipality also grants €210 subsidy on TrajectBegeleiding (Trajectory Guidance) (amount per measure, max subsidy on two measures). All information on the grant and conditions can be found at de website of the municipality of Woerden.

Independent advice

The municipality of Woerden works with 3 independent energy advisers who give advice on insulating, ventilating, heating, cooling your home and generating energy sustainably with, for example, solar panels. Independent means that, as advisers, we do not sell energy-saving measures. Our advice meets the requirements set by the municipality to receive subsidies.

Getting started well prepared

Woondokter looks at the characteristics of your home, your household and is happy to hear your housing needs. After our appointment at your home, you will receive an advisory report on the energy-saving measures and costs appropriate to your home, this is called the WoningPlan+. This plan also includes a roadmap to implement measures in the best order. The WoningPlan+ includes the following topics:

  • insulate
  • ventilation
  • heating
  • cooling
  • warm water
  • renewable energy
  • budget of one-off investments
  • expected reduction in monthly energy costs
  • subsidies available for the measures to be taken
  • financing options

Of course, what you do is always up to you.

Read more?

If you want more information about the WoningPlan+, click here.
If you want more information about the grant from Woerden City Council, click here.

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